TRANSMISION OF FAITH AND MORALS It pleased God, in his goodness and wisdom to reveal himself to Man, in His will. This economy of revelation is realized by deeds and words, which are intrinsically bound up with each other. God wishes to give eternal life to all those who seek salvation. He chose some leaders like Abraham and Moses with the race of Israel, and made them widely known among the nations, and at the fullness of time Jesus came down to live with human family. The mission of Evangelization which begins from Christ; the evangelizer, to the evangelizing Church, in which Jesus Christ Himself is the Good News of God (Lk 4:45) must therefore be transmitted from generation to generation. The family therefore, has always been a privileged channel for the transmission of this Gospel. Parents transmit their faith by being and living like real Christians. When children perceive the generosity and Christian meaning of life through the words and behavior of their parents and grandpar...