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Novena to st Lawrence

Oh Most Holy trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I want to praise you in St. Lawrence. I want to love you more and more in him, help me by his intercession, and let me attain divine union with you. Let me see the world as a sanctuary where I can work hard for my sanctification and that of every human person on earth. Let all my actions be toward divine union, grant me to se always Jesus in my fellow men, to see the poor, the lame, the blind, lepers, widows, orphans and all who are handicaps in one way or the other as treasures of Christ, loving and serving them. Lastly to you, oh my dearest St. Lawrence obtain for me the grace to die in the bosom of virgin Mary, mother of God and when I breath my last, present my soul to the trinity as a precious treasure. Amen.

O most Holy Trinity, Father, son and Holy Spirit, you endowed St. Lawrence with great passion to embrace Martyrdom with a courageous heart. The blood he shed is like a seed sown, fertilized and it germinated into millions of Christians today. I implore you oh Lord to strengthen my faith, and by his intercession hear my prayers………….. and help me to share in the passion and resurrection of Christ and bring me to eternal joy with all your saints. Amen.
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

Oh my God and my all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, your faithful servant died praying for the city of Rome, winning glory in keeping with his name ‘great lauds’ for the church. Grant me through his slow and painful death my humble request………… for the salvation of my soul and glorification of your Holy name. Amen
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

Oh my dearest Saint Lawrence you grieved when your beloved Pope along with four of his deacons were being led to death, not for them but for yourself because you are not taken with them. Intercede for me in my needs that cause me grieve now……………. Console me and obtain for me the reward of eternal happiness, so that with you in the company of all the saints I may attain divine union with the blessed Trinity. Amen
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

Oh my adorable saint Lawrence, you cared for and protect the rejected ones in the society. Now that you are in the bosom of Christ where graces flow every seconds, intercede for my needs………..obtain for me indulgences so that at my death I will be acceptable in the company of the saints in heaven. Amen.
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

God of love you have given me everything including Saint Lawrence to intercede for my needs. Now, I want to give you Holy Trinity everything I have, my life; past, present and future. Let me dearest St. Lawrence intercede for my needs…………….. so that I may always be pleasing to you and that of my family as a treasure at your holy throne. Amen.
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

Oh my beautiful St. Lawrence, you were stripped and bounded upon the iron bed over the slow fire which roasted your flesh little by little, you accepted it without complaining. Grant me the patience to accept humiliation and cruelty of this world as my martyrdom, intercede for my needs………….. and help me to see Christ’s suffering as my means to eternity. Amen
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

My beloved St Lawrence, lover of the poor, nothing is impossible with your intercession, give me a heart to love God above everything, a mind to think of God alone. You are my hope and my strength, fortify me, come to my aid and intercede for me…………. Amen.
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

Oh my dearest St. Lawrence, no one has ever ask for your mighty intercession and go with disenchantment, do not allow my own case to be different as I plead for my needs………………..obtain for me the forgiveness of my sins. The moments I failed to think about God, moments I failed to help the poor, moments I had the opportunity to do good but failed to do it, and finally help me to love my fellow human being as myself. Amen
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

Oh my beloved St. Lawrence, open my heart to love my brothers and sisters, teach me the secret of serving them with humility so that I may possess the same virtue with you. Let me live a holy life, hear my cry and intercede for me…………………… Amen
Glory be to the father…..
Saint Lawrence: Pray for us (3x)

Thank you God the father, thank you God the son, thank you God the Holy Spirit for listening and answering my request(s). I continue to praise and thank you, may your Holy name be glorified both now and forever. Thank you St. Lawrence for interceding for me, oh my most loving saints, offer my prayer of thanksgiving to God the almighty for answering my prayers.


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