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By Fr Lawrence O Ogundipe, SDV

There was an ancient song playing in the heart of men, permeating souls and minds, a song so old but always green, played only for mothers “oh sweet mother I no go forget you…” that song is playing again today, happy celebrations to all women of valour.

I write to encourage our amiable mothers to love, cherish, and wear the CWON uniform with pride. Why? Because it’s a garment of honour, a uniform of protection and a cloth of glamour. Perhaps you do not know that the CWON uniform logo signifies light of the world, the cross resting on the lamp shows that Christ is the source of that light while mother Mary is the oil in the lamp. The flower beneath signifies St Joseph while the CWON rested on them. In the resent uniform, the picture of Mother Mary carrying baby Jesus reflects Our lady of Good counsel, the role model whose qualities every member must strive to imbibe. Our dear mothers I must confirm that you have a beautiful garment please never be ashamed to wear it.

Each time I celebrate a day with Mary with our Mothers in CWON uniform I see the awesomeness’ of the glory of our mothers, the beauty of oneness, a robe of peace, the calmness of heavenly bliss and the elegance of creation in our mothers. You are the created creators whom God blessed to ensure the procreation of humanity. But it is heart breaking to see that some women prefer to wear other clothes different from the uniform for reasons I do not know and can’t presume to know. Well let me tell you a story of a woman who wore something different because she wants to be elegant. While in the church, she slept off during a day with Mary and dreamt that an Angel shared rosary for all the women in the uniform, then she asked “where is my own?” The Angel replied “you are not in the garment of the lamb. “How?” The Angel said “whenever the CWON uniform is worn Jesus and Mary with St Joseph are present. Always wear it.” Then she woke up to see rosary in the hands of others, and she asked them, where is my own rosary? The president said “the associate priest asked me to give it to those in CWO uniform only.” She came to me to narrate her story because I was the associate priest involved.

My grandmother once told me that she must be buried in CWON uniform so that the Angels can recognise her as a Christian woman. It looks vague but there is a sense in it, and I ensured that it was done. The attractive nature of the CWO uniform cannot be over emphasised, the radiant Marian, royal blue had saved many from kidnappers and ritualists who saw Mary instead of the target woman. This same uniform had prevented some mothers from committing adulterous sin, any right thinking man that sees a woman in that uniform knows that she is a respected married woman.

A story was told of a man who had a business deal with partners that failed, he mismanaged the business fund and relocated to save himself. Days rolled into weeks and weeks into years. One faithful afternoon the man came looking for him after heated arguments the partner decided to bulldoze down his house claiming that he built the house with his money. Suddenly the wife who was away in Church arrived in CWON uniform and the business partner (though not a Christian) broke down in tears saying “why did you come madam? This uniform of mothers can’t allow me to hurt you and your children. Your husband is a wicked man but I can’t harm you. Hence he forgave the man.

There is a saying that “as you dress so shall you be addressed”. This is indeed a true axiom. As you present yourself before the society is how you would be treated.
A better way I feel you can make the best of yourself is accepting who you are, a Christian model. Accept the reality of yourself, your presence and existence. It is when you accept this fact that life will become meaningful to you.

Happy Mothers day

Be a Mother

Be a Saint


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