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Edited by Fr Lawrence Ogundipe SDV 

1. At the hour of your death, your greatest comfort will be the Masses you attended during your lifetime with fervor and devotion.

2. Every Mass you attended will accompany you in the divine court and advocate for forgiveness.

3. With each Mass you can diminish the temporary punishment you owe for your sins, in proportion to the fervor with which you hear it.

4. With devoted assistance to Holy Mass, you pay the greatest tribute to the Blessed Humanity of Our Lord.

5. Holy Mass well heard supplements your many negligences and omissions.

6. For the holy mass well heard you forgive all the venial sins you are determined to avoid, and many others you don't even remember.

7. By her also loses the devil dominion over you.

8. You offer the greatest comfort to the blessed souls of Purgatory.

9. You get blessings in your business and temporary affairs.

10. A Mass heard as long as you live will profit you much more than many offered for you after death.

11. You get rid of many dangers and misfortunes you might fall into if it weren't for Holy Mass.

12. Also remember that you shorten your Purgatory with it.

13. With each Mass you will increase your degrees of glory in Heaven. In it you receive the blessing of the priest, which God ratifies in heaven.

14. To him who hears Mass every day, God will deliver him from a tragic death and the Guardian Angel will take into account the steps he takes to go to Mass, and God will reward him in his death.

15. During the Mass you kneel in the midst of a multitude of angels invisibly attending the Holy Sacrifice with extreme reverence.

16. When we hear mass in honor of a particular Saint, giving thanks to God for the favours given to that Saint, we can only gain his protection and special love, for the honor, joy and happiness that our good work is Follows him.

17. Every day we hear Mass, it would be nice if in addition to other intentions, we were to honor the Saint of the Day.

18. Mass is the greatest gift that can be offered to the Lord for souls, to remove them from purgatory, deliver them from their sorrows and lead them to joy of glory. - Saint Bernard of Sena.

19. Whoever hears Mass, makes prayer, gives alms or prays for the souls of Purgatory, works for his own advantage. - St. Augustine.

20. For every Mass held or heard with devotion, many souls leave Purgatory, and those left there are lessened sorrows they suffer. - Saint Gregory the Great, Pope.

21. During the celebration of Mass, the sorrows of souls are suspended for those who pray and work the priest, and especially those for whom the Mass offers. - St. Gregory the Great.

22. You can also earn Plenary Indulgence every Monday of the year by offering holy Mass and Communion in suffrage of the blessed souls of Purgatory. For the faithful who can't hear Mass on Monday it's worth hearing Sunday with that intention.

23. It is pleaded that they apply all indulgences in the suffrage of the souls of Purgatory, because God our Lord, and they will reward him this charity.

24. The Holy Mass is the renewal of the Sacrifice of Calvary, the greatest act of worship to the Holy Trinity. That's why it's a must hear it every Sunday and party to save.

Copied from Facebook 


  1. I pray that God will give us the Grace,not only to hear,but to also put it into practice through Christ our Lord.

  2. This is very edifying ,spiritually okay and morally sound

  3. May God help us in all areas that we're failing. I also pray for his graces upon us.


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