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A Priest basically has three duties: Sanctification, Teaching & Governing the people of God. Very Rev Fr. Mark Omene CDA



When we were studying Sacred Theology at St Augustine Major Seminary Jos, Late Bishop G. G. Ganaka used to tell us that a Priest is called to be a Saint, A Scholar and A Gentleman. Saint Augustine did warn us that grace is built on nature.  A Priest is called an Altar Christus meaning another Christ. As you have finish your seminary training and now ordained a Priest, do not say that I have arrived, prepare for Theology Five; because you have simply begun another journey. Respect the Church Hierarchy by obeying the Pope, your Bishop, your Parish Priest and all Ecclesiastical authorities.

Respect and set boundaries especially with regards to the three W’s namely: Wine, Women and Wealth. Do not be a Priest who is chasing after wine, women and wealth, for it could destroy you. Visit and honour your parents but remember you are not the bread winner of the family. Remember that you are only an administrator of the goods of the Church entrusted to you. In 1 Timothy 5:1 - 2 says that: “Never speak sharply to a man older than yourself, but appeal to him as you would to your own father; treat younger men as  brothers, older women as mothers and young women as sisters with all propriety”. 

Personal and Liturgical prayer must be your way of life. Stick to the Rubrics by obeying the Red and chanting the Black. Seek the intercession of the Saints especially the Most Blessed Virgin Mary in all your actions. Please often recall your journey to the priesthood, how you were praying your rosary, visiting the Blessed Sacrament, being members of some Pious society, like Altar Boys, CYON and also keep your old friends. Do not abandon them because these led you to the Seminary, where you learnt to pray the Breviary and do your Theological studies. This eventually led you to the Priesthood, praying the Divine Office, Celebrating Holy Mass and other Sacraments.

Spiritual direction, Retreat & Confessions should be done monthly if not regularly. We noticed this in 1 Samuel 3: 1-11, when the boy Samuel heard the voice of God but did not understand until the High Priest Eli explained to him, that it was God talking to him. This should remind you that you do not know it all; you would need the direction of the elders to guide you. Beware of the Naaman effect, by doing what is simple (Cf. 2 kings 5:13). Remember also, Micah 6:8. “Three things Yahweh asks of you. Only this, to do what is right, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.”  

A Priest basically has three duties Sanctification, Teaching & Governing the people of God. As a scholar your Bible / Scriptures, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vatican II documents and Code of Canon law must not be far from you, when preparing for a Sermon, Seminar and a Talk. For instance, Dei-Verbum number 24 in Vatican II document states that the study of the sacred page should be the very soul of sacred theology.

 As a gentle man, dress properly with the Roman Collar or Cassock, for it is the way you dress, that is how you will be addressed. St. Augustine said that the Habit does not make a monk but I dare say that it does remind him that he is a monk. Never be a “Fashionista” chasing after the latest gadgets. In addition, be accountable in all your actions, be it speech and record keeping, ensuring that you record or write your discussion in a Parish Diary to enable you do adequate follow up. Maintain a healthy mind and body by doing regular exercise and staying fit.


 “It was the will of God, then, that, Christ both did and taught. It means Humility in Conduct, Steadfastness in Faith, Modesty in speech, Justice in actions, Mercy in deeds, Discipline in morals; it is to be incapable of doing wrong to anyone and to bear patiently wrong done to us, to keep peace with the brethren, to love God with one’s whole heart, to love Him because He is the Father, to fear Him because He is God. It means preferring nothing to Christ as he preferred nothing to us; it means holding fast to His love and being inseparable from it, standing by His cross bravely and fearlessly when His name and honor are challenged, showing in speech that firmness with which we profess our faith, showing under torture the confidence with which we do battle, showing in death the patience by which we are crowned. This is what it means to wish to be a Co-heir with Christ, to accomplish the command given by God, to fulfill the will of the Father.” 

In conclusion, we appeal to all the people of God to remember our Priests in your daily prayers and to respect, support and guide them in their Priestly Ministry. This is what Holy Mother Church calls Collaborative Ministry that is, the Laity and the Clergy working together (Cf. Exodus 17:11-13). Finally, St. Augustine said “that for you I am a Priest but with you I am just a Christian. St. Paul said that we should work out our Salvation in fear and trembling. 


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