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It is pertinent to teach our historical development as members of the Holy Roman Catholic church especially in this period of influx of pentecostalism such that what was transmitted to us will not be marred.  Hence I have decided to share with you the past so that we can appreciate the present to pray for the future. 

The persecution of over two centuries was over,starting from the account of the "Acts of the Apostles" and the torture chambers of Rome and Antioch were closed down. The very grounds that witnessed the courage of bloody martyrs in their thousands turned to places of worship. Men,like Nero,Diocletian, Trajan and Caligula,who were once feared and worshiped were all dead and gone forever.

Christianity became the official religion of the Romans in 313 A.D. by the edict of Milan. Emperor Constantine who promulgated the edict was not yet a Christian when this was done. The Romans abandoned idol worship. Constantine was still a catechumen (about to be baptized) when he called the first general Council of the Church. Because of the invincible superiority enjoyed,he presided over the Council(the opening session).

The choice of the city of Nicaea was informed by the fact that the Summer Palace of the Emperor in the city was the only venue that could accommodate well over a thousand guests. The emperor was responsible for all expenses (accommodation, transportation, etc),as Bishops were very poor in those days.

The Council opened on May 20,325 AD,there were 314 Bishops in attendance. The Bishops were from Egypt, Palestine,Syria,Asia Minor,Africa,Spain,Gaul and Italy. Pope Silvester sent two Roman Priests (Vitus and Vincent) to represent him because of his age and state of health. Funny enough,some of the Bishops in attendance were,ten years ago,persecuted by this same emperor. So,some of them still bare scars of his torture, some lame and some half-blind.

Arius too was in attendance: the priest whose teachings was the major reason why the Council was convoked. Arius was born in 280 AD and a priest from Alexandria, Egypt. He was an ascetic with power to move masses by his oratory.

The Council was to find a solution to the disturbance in the church caused by Arius. His heretical doctrine on CHRISTOLOGY is known as ARIANISM.

Arius taught the following heresy about the nature of Jesus:
-The Son of God is NOT of ONE SUBSTANCE with the Father.
-The Son of God is NOT EQUAL to the FATHER.
-The Son of God is NOT CO-ETERNAL with Father.
-The Son of God is CREATED and hence NOT GOD.

These teachings generated a lot of confusion and division in the early church era.

Arius' Heresy on the nature of Christ was widely discussed. When it was put to vote,292 Bishops voted for condemnation. It was unanimously agreed that no word that has not come down from Apostolic Tradition should be used. By this time(325 AD) the New Testament was still in the making.

Two weeks later,the Council presented to the Emperor the draft of the CREED,that solved the problems raised by Arius. This is what is used at Mass. That is why the particular creed is called " The Nicaea Creed". The CREED came up in order to solve  Arius Christological Heresy,in the city of Nicaea.

Other minor matters were also discussed.

We have the following lessons to learn from this rich experience of the Church as leaders :
-Problems should be seen as problems and the solution approach,without sentiment,politics and bias,should be the way-out.
-Due process should be followed always.
-Let professionals be in-charge of what they can do and not other people. Constantine allowed the Bishops to solve the religious problem at hand without any bias or influence from him.
-Our brilliance and academic wealth do not automatically translate to intelligence. (That was Arius' problem)

Thank you and God bless.

Published by Fr Eric Olatunji CDA. For JDPM Abeokuta diocese.
Edited by Fr Lawrence Ogundipe sdv


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