CAN I BE A SAINT? Yes!!!! Saints are drawn from all walks of life, kings, princesses, politicians, clergy men, thieves, harlots, the poor, the rich, children, adult, etc. there is no profession or vocation that is not represented among the galaxy of saints of the Holy Mother church. To be honest saints are part of our family they are our brothers and sisters. You can be a saint if you co-operate with the grace of God that is already sufficient for you. Do you know that saints were not created rather they were made. We all have equal chance to be saints. God, because of his infinite love for humanity gave us free will to choose what is good but often times we chose evil. We are responsible for our choices, yes, our sainthood. All the saints, from St. John the Baptist onwards, agree with one voice that holiness is attained only when we do well what we have to do. It is impossible for one to become a saint if he does not force himself to do what he is expected to do. A most important p...