Today the Holy mother church celebrates ST JOSEPH THE WORKER. The Gospel of Matthew began with the genealogy of Jesus for a particular reason. That is, to insist on the humanity of Christ, that does not interfere with his divinity. However it is pivotal to know that Jesus is both man and God. In today’s Gospel the people asks, is this not the carpenter’s son? Matthew Henry in his commentary said “They upbraid him with his father. Is not this the carpenter's son? Yes, it is true he was reputed so: and what harm in that? No disparagement to him to be the son of an honest tradesman. They remember not (though they might have known it) that this carpenter was of the house of David (Luke 1:27), a son of David (Luke 1: 32); though a carpenter, yet a person of honor.” What then is the soteriological implication of this? St Anslem in his book Cur Deus Homo teaches that to sin is to steal God’s honor. Man sinned, thereby he stole God’s honor which is infinite. If God over looked man’s sin...