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Showing posts from February, 2022


Edited by Fr Lawrence Ogundipe SDV  The Holy Father  often appoints papal nuncios to represent him and the interests of the Catholic Church in various countries.  Today His Excellency, MOST REVD ANTONIO G. FILIPAZI, the PAPAL NUNCIO to NIGERIA is 11 Years in the Episcopal Ministry.  May God bless him  WHO IS A PAPAL NUNCIO?  A Papal nuncio is a papal ambassador, i.e. a permanent diplomatic representative of the Holy See to a state or an international organization. The papal nuncio is a permanent representative of the pope who is assigned with the task of safeguarding the interests of the Holy See in a particular country or region.  According to the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a papal nuncio is an ambassador equal to an ambassador from any other country. However in Catholic countries the papal nuncio may rank above other ambassadors in diplomatic protocol. WHAT IS AN APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE?  An apostolic nunciature is a top-level diplomatic mission of the Holy See, equ