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Showing posts from February, 2020


 Rev. Fr. Paul Ologun, SDV. It does not matter, whether Ash Wednesday and Lent are new to you, or whether your church celebrates this season or not. There is a lot to learn from/about this 40-day period of ashen crosses and fasting. What Is Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. The Catholic Church, as well as many liturgical Protestant denominations such as Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and Methodist adhere strictly to the “church calendar” which includes observances of Ash Wednesday and Lent. On Ash Wednesday, churches will burn old palm branches or something similar and place a cross of ashes on the foreheads of those who participate in an Ash Wednesday celebration. The act of putting ashes symbolises our fragility and mortality as well as our need to be redeemed by the mercy of God. It simply mean that the ashes remind us that life is fleeting (we were made from dust and the ashes remind us that we will return to ash one day). The ash is a sign of...

The Canonical functions of the parish priest

Edited by Fr Lawrence Ogundipe sdv INTRODUCTION: It is pertinent to say that this article is a reminder for parish priests and a guide for future parish priest,  it is also educative for the lay faithful so to assist the parish priest in his duties. Before we begin to examine the rights and obligations of the parish priest, it is important to note that the present understanding of the parish and the parish priest in the 1983 code of canon law was inspired by the teachings of the Vatican II Council, especially the conciliar documents on priestly ministry, namely, Christus Dominus and Presbyterorum Ordinis. THE OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS OF THE PARISH PRIEST The parish priest, as a member of Christ’s faithful, enjoys the general rights and obligations granted him by the law in can. 208 - 223. As a cleric, he equally enjoys the obligations and rights granted to all clerics in can.273 - 289. We shall concentrate here with only those obligations and rights granted him specifical...

Sexual aberration: As an expression of Valentine’s Day BY Rev FR UDO J.M. IWUJI SDV

Edited by Ogundipe Lawrence SDV As we prepare to celebrate Valentine’s Day one pertinent question readily comes to mind.  What actually do we celebrate, the life style of the saint who died out of the love of Christ? Or is it animalistic attitude and behavior? The day marks the time animals begins to pair as to mate. Put in another way it is the time instinctual nature of animals is remembered. And at the same time we remember a holy man who lived on this same planet of ours but spent his life doing good. Which one do we actually celebrate? The celebration of Valentine’s Day is losing its true test and meaning. It is becoming more of an animalistic celebration. People today especially the young ones do not just exchange gifts of flowers and cards but more. Many will send to or receive today from the so called lover packs of ‘The almighty Condom/rubber’. This is an evident of animalistic celebration. Permit me to ask this question. Do you give poison to your loved one or thin...

The kerygma by Fr Lawrence Ogundipe sdv

A lecture by Fr Lawrence Ogundipe sdv to the candidates for confirmation at St Leo Catholic church Otun on sat 8th February 2020. OUTLINE Introduction What is Kerygma The composition of the writing gospels The relationship between the oral tradition and the composition of the written gospel The circumstances that led to the composition and circulation of the synoptic Conclusion INTRODUCTION The Gospels first existed in the oral tradition. The person of Jesus Christ, His life- words and deeds constitute the Gospel. After the ascension of Jesus the people started talking about him and of the events relating to his death and resurrection. These became the first “good news” to be announced. During this time, the Kerygma was on the fact that Jesus Came, lived, suffered, died, resurrected for our sake and that he will come again. What then led to the composition of the writing gospel is there any relationship between the writing gospel and the oral teaching? Why some are referre...

Athanasius, On the Incarnation by Fr Lawrence Ogundipe sdv

(A Summary on Edward Hardy, ed., Christology of the Later Fathers, pp. 43-110)  Against the Epicurean denial of universal providence in favor of chance, and against Plato’s affirmation that God made the world out of pre-existent matter, and against the Sectaries who impute the existence of things to a different artificer other than the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Athanasius upholds creatio ex nihilo. For Athanasius, the Epicureans hold a faulty position because, if all things sprang up independently without a cause or an artificer, they would most probably look alike and indistinct. But our experience of reality shows diversity arrangement of things. Hence, Epicureans are mistaken. For Athanasius, Plato’s god is a weak God since it has to depend on pre-existence materials to form the world. By contrast, the Christian God is all perfect because he creates everything out of nothing. God made the universe through his word. It was God’s will at creation that man should abi...

Homily of Rev Fr Alphonsus Abiodun Olawale CSsR for the celebration of world day for consecrated life

A homily delivered at the World Day for Consecrated Life held at St Leo Otun of Abeokuta Diocese on the First of February, 2020 CONSECRATED LIFE IS A CALL TO AN UNSPEAKABLE AND ABUNDANT JOY My Lord bishop, Most Rev Peter Olukayode Odetoyinbo, Bishop of Abeokuta Catholic Diocese, the Vicar General, Vicar for Religious, Msgr, Very Rev Frs, Rev Frs, Consecrated persons here present and faithful of Christ, happy feast day to you all. Refecting on Vita Consecrata (post synodal Apostolic exhortation by St. John Paul II) and Perfectae Caritatis (Decree on the Adaptation and Renewal of Religious Life, Vatican II document on Institutes of Consecrated Life), Consecrated persons refer to women and men are who called by God to let their light shine through the profession of evangelical counsels, vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and also through a life that is dedicated to service and prayer. By devoting themselves to God with undivided hearts, they embrace God’s radical call, leave all...