The influx of Pentecostal practise and attitude are creeping into the Catholic Church and if we are not careful, her trademarks of orthodoxy and authenticity will be at the margins. Evidently, many aberrations are finding their ways to the front seat and it is disheartening how strange doctrines are celebrated and enthroned in modern fashion with personal innovations in the liturgy. What is happening to the rubrics, can we go back to the root and the books? This piece is a clarion call to my dear brothers and sisters, a wake-up call to all Catholics to protect the faith we proudly profess and keep out ‘rugalised’ doctrines infiltrating into the parishes. Personally, I am shocked with much pain in my heart on how priests and lay faithful play active parts in keeping the floodgates of error into devotional life of the church. The Catechesis of the church must not sleep nor slumber to checkmate some of the excesses we find around. Can you Imagine a situation when someone brought an O...