INTRODUCTION Imagine a world in darkness; think of a society that lacked proper expressive skills, where ideas, feelings, emotions and wants could not be communicated but laid trapped in the inner recesses of our minds. I am quite sure many of us here would agree with me that such a world, such a human habitat, if ever conceived or existed, would be no better than a town crier striking a gong with a leaf – soundless, lifeless! Everyone would have been an island cut off from reality, non-existent. Imagine a world without the religious; imagine the religious in the world without a voice, everything becomes chaotic or perhaps in a state of anarchy and doom. Hence, the consecrated persons need to speak out in the face of societal moral decadence in politics especially in Nigeria where abnormalities appeared to be the normal. But how can we do this, when we are limited by ecclesiastical laws through the code of canon law. Yet, the society look unto us for justice; Cat...