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Showing posts from January, 2018

The feast of the conversion of St Paul

Today the holy mother church celebrates the feast of The conversion of St Paul who became an apostle to the Gentile nations. Paul testified how he first opposed the Gospel and persecuted Christians, but was converted when Jesus Christ appeared to him on the road to Damascus (Acts 22:3-16). Paul's encounter with the person of Christ radically changed his life and opened his eyes to the truth of the Gospel. Benedict XVI reflects on the significance of Paul's conversion for the whole Christian people: "Paul's conversion matured in his encounter with the Risen Christ; it was this encounter that radically changed his life. What happened to him on the road to Damascus is what Jesus asks in today's Gospel: Saul is converted because, thanks to the divine light, "he has believed in the Gospel". In this consists his and our conversion: in believing in Jesus dead and risen and in opening to the illumination of his divine grace. In that moment Saul understood that ...

The bitter Truth

I saw this on Facebook and I feel you should read it.  Though it had been edited to convey the message I wish to share with you because we shall all die one day. Vanity upon vanity, everything is vanity says the bible. The human body after death. *3 days after death, finger nails begin to fall; *4 days after death, hairs breaks out of the skull and all body hairs fall; *5 days after death, the brain starts to sag, the flesh fades, the buttock, breast, penis, Vagina, will decay (those things that normally drives u into sin, hmmm) *6 days after death, the skin begins to noircir and gradually detach from the bones; *7 days after death, the belly melts and radiates a strong odour beginning with a gaping mouth and a genital organ appealing the marauders; *60 days after death, the whole human body is reduced to nothing bones; -So therefore; Why too much pride? Why too much selfishness? Why too much hate? Why too much jealousy? Why too much evil deeds? Man is a dust and m...

The bitter Truth

I saw this on Facebook and I feel you should read it however it had been edited. Vanity upon vanity, everything is vanity says the bible. All must die hence let's discuss what happens to the cherished body. What I called the bitter Truth The human body after death. *do you that 3 days after death, finger nails begin to fall; *4 days after death, hairs breaks out of the skull and all body hairs fall; *5 days after death, the brain starts to sag, the flesh fades, the buttock, breast, penis, Vagina, will decay (those things that normally drives u into sin, hmmm) *6 days after death, the skin begins to noircir and gradually detach from the bones; *7 days after death, the belly melts and radiates a strong odour beginning with a gaping mouth and a genital organ appealing the marauders; *60 days after death, the whole human body is reduced to nothing bones; -So therefore; Why too much pride? Why too much selfishness? Why too much hate? Why too much jealousy? Why too much ev...