A SUMMARY ON THE COUNCIL OF TRENT INTRODUCTION It is necessary we give a brief antecedent that led to the council of Trent. Meanwhile, on March 1517, the fifth council of the Lateran came to a close with the stated reform proposal that ranges from the “selection of bishop’s reform of the church, schism of the cardinals, the problem of pragmatic sanction by which French demanded recognition of the robber council of Basel, taxation censorship to preaching. The council of Trent was called by Julius III. It took place in the palace of Lateran and lasted for five full years, ending in the year of revolt by Martin Luther. This will lead to the council of Trent. The council of Trent was convoked by Pope Paul III and it took place in Trent and Bologna between the years of 1545 and 1563. This council was basically one of the most paramount cum crucial ecumenical councils. It could be said that that the immediate cause of the calling of the council of Trent was as a result of Luther and ...