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   _(To be followed everyday from Friday after Ascension till Saturday before Pentecost)_   *_Leader_* : In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.   *_All_* : Amen. Sing a *Hymn* to the Holy Spirit (CHB. 207 / 65 new )  *INVOCATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT*  V. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful  R. And kindle in them the fire of your love.  V. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.  R. And You shall renew the face of the earth.  *Let us Pray* : O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolations, through Christ Our Lord, Amen. NB: _Pause to present communal and personal intentions_   *PRAYER OF PETITION*  O Holy Spirit Beloved of my soul I adore you. Enlighten me, Guide me, strengthen me and Console me. Tell me what I ought to do and command me to do it. I promise to submit to everything that you ask of me and to a
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 HOMILY PREACHED AT THE 80TH BIRTHDAY THANKSGIVING OF SIR DOMINIC OGUNDIPE AT ST PETER, OTA, 4TH JANUARY 2024. BY FR STEPHEN SOBIYE CDA.  “Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers in their generations. The Lord apportioned to them great glory, His majesty from the beginning. There were those who ruled in their kingdoms, and were men renowned for their power, giving counsel by their understanding and proclaiming prophesies; leaders of the people in their deliberations and in understanding of learning for the people, wise in their words of instruction. (Sir 44: 1-4).” These words taking from the opening 1st four verses of chapter 44 of the book Sirach, is such that Ben Sira, the author of the book described as the “Praise of the Men of Old”. The entire chapter celebrates the heroes of Israel, where wisdom resides.  I believe my dear brothers and sisters that our gathering of today is of the same nature…. We have all come today to celebrate one of the great men of our times, a true s


 THE EUCHARISTIC MARY AND CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP BY REV FR DR LAWRENCE OKWUOSA, SDV INTRODUCTION The Eucharist is basically about relationship – a life changing relationship, which we can liken to a re-creation, because it involves the gift of body (new identity) and blood (new life). In this relationship, Jesus Christ offers his body and blood to his disciples as eternal food of life. By eating and drinking his body and blood, Jesus’ disciples become one with Him. They become like Him and live Through Him, With Him and IN Him.  The Eucharist is part of God’s divine plan for humanity. It started with the incarnation of the Word into the world. By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ took the body and blood of the Virgin Mary and became a man. In this relationship, the lives of Mary and the Second Person of the Trinity were changed forever. Mary became Full of Grace and Mother of God, while the Son of God became the son of Mary and a human being.  In the same vein, the lives of Ch


  *Birth and Early Life*: St. Martin of Tours was born in 316 AD in what is now Szombathely, Hungary. *Military Service*: He initially served in the Roman army but later converted to Christianity, influenced by his encounter with a beggar. *Conversion*: Martin's famous act of sharing his cloak with a beggar, whom he later recognized as Christ in a dream, played a pivotal role in his conversion to Christianity. *Baptism*: After his conversion, Martin left the military and was baptized as a Christian. *Monastic Life*: He became a disciple of St. Hilary of Poitiers and embraced monastic life, founding a monastery in Ligugé. *Missionary Work*: St. Martin was known for his missionary activities, spreading Christianity throughout Gaul (modern-day France). *Miracles*: Numerous miracles were attributed to St. Martin, including healing the sick and raising the dead. *Bishopric*: Despite reluctance, he was chosen as Bishop of Tours in 371 AD. His episcopal reign was marked by pastoral care a


  THE BEAUTY OF CWON UNIFORM By Fr Lawrence O Ogundipe, SDV AN OPEN LETTER TO CWON There was an ancient song playing in the heart of men, permeating souls and minds, a song so old but always green, played only for mothers “oh sweet mother I no go forget you…” that song is playing again today, happy celebrations to all women of valour. I write to encourage our amiable mothers to love, cherish, and wear the CWON uniform with pride. Why? Because it’s a garment of honour, a uniform of protection and a cloth of glamour. Perhaps you do not know that the CWON uniform logo signifies light of the world, the cross resting on the lamp shows that Christ is the source of that light while mother Mary is the oil in the lamp. The flower beneath signifies St Joseph while the CWON rested on them. In the resent uniform, the picture of Mother Mary carrying baby Jesus reflects Our lady of Good counsel, the role model whose qualities every member must strive to imbibe. Our dear mothers I must confirm that y


By Fr Lawrence Ogundipe, SDV INTRODUCTION I was in the Mad Room of Grajos 98.3 FM, media house on January 2nd, 2020 in Lagos to prepare for my Ancient tales series, when the director of programmes came in to announce the need to go on Air immediately for breaking news about “The Covid-19 Pandemic”. The Corona-virus-diseas-2019 is an illness caused by a novel Corona virus severe acute respiratory syndrome Corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCov), which was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The virus was initially reported to the World Health Organization (W.H.O) on December 31, 2019; on January 30, 2020, WHO declared the Covid-19 outbreak a global health emergency. Later on March 11, 2020 it was declared a global pandemic: the beginning of the new normal. At first, we taught the pandemic will be for a short time, but days begin to roll into weeks, weeks rolled into months, the lockdown began to get longer,

Why Is Ordinary Time Called Ordinary?

  I am sharing this article in response to a question from my Friend.  He asked me why is ordinary season of the liturgical calendar called ordinary yet we celebrate the complete liturgy.   The term ordinary in English most often means something that's not special or distinctive, many people think that Ordinary Time refers to parts of the calendar of the Catholic Church that are unimportant. Even though the season of Ordinary Time makes up most of the liturgical year in the Catholic Church, the fact that Ordinary Time refers to those periods that fall outside of the major liturgical seasons reinforces this impression. Yet Ordinary Time is far from unimportant or uninteresting. First of all,  What is the Latin root of Ordinary? Ordinary Time is called "ordinary" not because it is common but simply because the weeks of Ordinary Time are numbered. The Latin word ordinalis, which refers to numbers in a series, stems from the Latin word ordo, from which we get the English word

Why are Popes buried in three Coffins?

  Edited by Fr Lawrence Ogundipe SDV  The Popes are usually buried in three different coffins the question is why is it so? What is the significance of this tradition? Can it be changed?   The three coffins used for the internment of a Pope are as follows: A cypress coffin. The mortal remains of the Holy Father are placed inside this coffin. A copy of the program from the funeral Mass is placed in the innermost coffin made of cypress, as are bags of silver, gold, and copper coins. The number of coins in each bag equals the number of years of the papacy. The simple wooden coffin made of cypress signifies he is an ordinary human being like everyone else.  The coffin is sealed and wrapped with three silk ribbons before being placed in a lead casket. The picture below is the cypress coffin.  A lead casket -- The lead casket, which is soldered shut, is engraved with the pope's name and dates of his papacy, as well as a skull and crossbones. The lead coffin is more durable and the Pope&#


 THE MOST BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: CAUSE OF OUR JOY By REV FR PETER OGIATOR C.D.A A TALk DELIVERED  AT CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF ABEOKUTA ANNUAL DIOCESAN MARIAN PILGRIMAGE 2022  INTRODUCTION: HOW IT ALL BEGAN When God created the heaven and Earth, he looked at everything he created and he found it very good ( Gen 1, 2-26), however when  Adam sinned and the whole of mankind fell through their mistake, the world became dark and gloom, the world that was created out of physical and temporary  darkness, was thrown into a spiritual and more intense and dangerous darkness,  the whole world was thrown into confusion, turmoil, disarray, there was hostility between heaven and earth, it was so terrible that the gate of heaven was closed against mankind (Gen 3, 23- 24). There was no hope in sight. Imagine world powers like the United States, United Kingdom, closing its gates against Nigeria, the hardship will unimaginably terrible in every ramification of life. THEN THERE WAS DARKNESS OF SORROW AND HOPELES